Friday, January 31, 2014

Cloud 9 Tab Fridays

Cloud 9 Tabs

These not only are a great way for the body to relax, but also helps you slows down. To not have as much anxiety and stress and helps with a good night rest. Everyone who tries them comes back for more. Its the convenience of a pill but the effect of a strong edible, with out the calories. Some patients use these to help get off over the counter pain pills. It's common to use a Cloud 9 Tab and vaporize during the day, as needed. This is a great choice and at 3 dollars each. this is a great answer to many patients needs.

Here is the story about how Cloud 9 Tabs came about.
One day someone rear-ended me. As I was getting his info, a intoxicated girl hit us as pedestrians. That moment changed my life.
I was in so much pain for so long and being the naturalist I em I didn't want to take pain pills. Plus I couldn't function on them.. And they kill you from the inside out.
I needed to find a alternative for myself. Being the crafty women I em I took the keif and mixed it with the coconut oil then heat infused it to activate it all together. Then I capsule them up and use them to help manage my pain. A more natural approach to healing ones self.
I knew from my use, that these are a practical way to help manage my pain and others would want to use them as well, And they do. Patients have been using them for 3 years now and there is a following for them.
Fridays you can get them at $2.50 cents


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Monster Bowl Thursday

Monster Bowl Thursday
Take your bud and put it in the jar of keif

Then Shake it up
Then Pull the Bud out and this is what you get.. A Monster Bowl

This is a Free thing we do for everyone that comes in and donates on Thursdays.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Golden Dragon Tincture

Golden Dragon Tincture
It comes in a CBD specific Tincture as well

Made with a cold-infused glycerite extract and comes in sativa, indica or a cbd formula.
Very tasty.

1-2 full droppers is the recommended dose. This is nice to use when you cant smoke or vape or when you want more of a body relaxation and less head high. it has a sweet nectar taste that can be taken right into the mouth or put in your favorite drink, tea or coffee. I put it right in my mouth and enjoy, it's tasty enough to do so.

This is another example of a great product that we carry here for the patients.
 Feel free to come in for a free sample of the product.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Today is Tuesday January 28th 2014 and it is a good day to come in and get top shelf medicine at a discounted rate. Once a week we do this, if your ball-in on a budget or just want to try the top shelf with out the top shelf price associated your welcome to come in on this day. 

Out side is a bit industrial but the inside is welcoming and boutique.

 Also you get to see me, Suzie and I always give great service and provide valuable knowledge about strains and effects. If you have questions on your aliment and what best helps it, just ask. I'll be happy to give you my knowledge.

Have a exceptional day,


Friday, January 24, 2014

Pictures of our Strains we grow here at Suzie Q's.

Today it seems alot of people are dabing.

Do you Dab?

This is a commonly used term for using honey oil or shatter.
 You are either aware of this term or your not, and those that are, know that this concentrate is a very powerful way to use cannabis. There is a lot of buzz that's happening over the last few year about the potency this product brings to the patient.

For example, Those coming off pain pills may find that their tolerance is very high and smoking and eating it just isn't helping with the pain enough. That's when concentrates are introduced. Just a dab of honey oil will do the trick.

Many ask how do you use it? These are the ways I've seen it done :
Honey oil can be used on a nail head for your bong with a dome, in your blunt, in your joint, on your weed in a pipe, on weed with knifers, or on your weed in a bong, Gravity bong.

The effects for me make me want to take a nap most of the time. But It really depends on the strain too because the medicine used to make the product can be a hybrid of strains. A hybrid strained honey oil will allow for more of a day time use then say a indica strain. A indica strained honey oil would be used at night.

But one of the patients called to tell me it was like the first time she got high. Meaning it made her feel really high and that night she slept really hard.

We do have this available for the patients.
This is more like a shatter, you can handle it with out it being overly sticky on your hands. The process was done with a vacuum purger and the quality is very clean, flavorful, and strong.
We have honey oil in stock and ready for you.
Check out the pictures below.

             $22 a gram Hybrid

             $27 a gram Indica

$27 Harlequin Honey-comb  

$27 Girl Scout Cookie Honey-comb